Is Caffeine Free Green Tea For Real?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Not many consumers are aware of the fact that decaffeinating of green tea is not a complete process. A little bit of caffeine is definitely left behind so if the package of green tea you have says it is free of all caffeine you will have to take that with a pinch of caffeine. Caffeine is a natural constituent in tea of any form including green tea.

To Have Or Not To Have Caffeine

Among the various types of tea available black tea is believed to be the richest in caffeine content. Green tea has a lesser amount of caffeine as compared to black tea but the percentage is definitely more than what is normally found in white tea. Coffee scores more than tea when it comes to the level of caffeine in it .It contains 30-50% more caffeine than tea does.

Smaller leaves on tea plants and tealeaves that have been subjected to longer period of fermentation are believed to be richer in caffeine. Tea is also a rich source of anti-oxidants that are so vital to the functioning of the human body. Some believe that the process of decaffeination of green tea destroys most of the naturally found, essential nutrients ultimately making it a beverage that serves only one purpose mostly that is, supply of some form of liquid to the body and the warm, refreshing feeling that the remaining constituents in the tea probably provide.

If you are one of those who cannot normally tolerate caffeine, but would still like to partake of the beneficial effects of green tea, it would be fair to warn you that decaffeinated green tea is not totally free of caffeine. Many doctors in Sacramento, including Christopher Freville recommend it would be wise to look for alternatives that probably have similar health benefits and avoid considering caffeine free green tea as a healthy option.

In fact you could consider other herbal beverages such as infusions instead. Contrary to popular belief herbal infusions beverages have nothing to do with tea. They are generally made of herbs and flowers and the extract, which is believed to have medicinal properties, can be brewed in a similar manner as tea bags.

If you are not caffeine intolerant and are just trying to cut down on your caffeine intake, you should definitely switch to caffeine free green tea. Your intake of caffeine is limited to the minute amount still left after the decaffeination and you still get to benefit from the multitude of health benefits that green tea boasts of.