Setting Up A Coffee Shop

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.

When you walk past a coffee shop the aroma is very tempting and can lure you inside. Setting up the atmosphere to attract the customers from outside is an important start to the process of getting a successful and rewarding business.


Having a good business plan will go a long way towards being successful in business. It is not the magic that ensures success, but it can help to ensure that you are on the right track when starting out. Plan properly and get the advice that can help you set up correctly. Without a plan you can easily miss vital stages and this can be heartbreaking when the chips are down and you haven't done your homework. Competition is another area that you may need to look at seriously. Look around for other sellers of the coffee products especially look at businesses other than coffee shops that may have a little cafe bar selling one particular product.


Get your suppliers right early and ensure that they can deliver to you the right products at the right time. The suppliers are critical as no products readily available at your shop and you have nothing to sell. Customers won't come back if they get a bad experience and you quite often only get on chance to be the best in the business. Any slackness and you will lose out badly. There is a chance that bad service spoken by word of mouth can become detrimental to you business. It hard enough just to start a business without having to fix bad service and delivery.


Test your product and get to know it. When a customer comes in and asks for a recommendation, you can truthfully give them one and a reason why. This will give you a better chance of selling the product. Dont' be afraid to specialise in something as it can become a unique selling item and may become the main drawcard of the business. Have good quality products and don't skimp just to save a few dollars. Customers want good value for their money and you should always strive to deliver this.